Adventure Gameshow Geek

Not a fairytale...

A Wiley Sneak/Trapped! Playlist

By Tuneful Twilso

Five songs, with justifications, that remind me of Wiley Sneak, the Voice and all the residents and prisoners of the tower. As it stands, it's 17 minutes and 15 seconds long. Hopefully this will increase as I stumble across more music that fits.

TRACK 1 – Fallen Leaves by Billy Talent

Fallen Leaves Cover Art

This song always reminds me of Wiley Sneak. 'Voice in my head will soon be fed, by the vultures that circle round the dead' describes his role as the one who lures in and captures the Unfortunates for the Voice to play with, and there are literally vultures circling the tower. The chorus leads with 'In a crooked little town, they were lost and never found', which has a fairytale-esque cadence that fits the aesthetics of the show, while the Unfortunates that don’t manage to escape the tower would be considered lost and never found. There are also lines that remind me of the sabotage and betrayal aspects of the show - 'I never once thought I’d ever be caught' and 'I left my best friends or did they just leave me'

TRACK 2 – All The Things She Said by t.A.T.u.

All The Things She Said Cover Art

While I know this song is about lesbians, the repeated lines of 'All the things she said, running through my head' do remind me a lot of the Voice. The various lines about it driving the singer mad/making them lose their minds, definitely remind me of Wiley Sneak, the Caretaker and the other tower residents.

TRACK 3 – You First by Paramore

This is Why Cover Art

'Everyone’s a bad guy, and there’s no way, no way of knowing who’s the worst.' A song about relative morality is perfect for Trapped! with its constant and necessary betrayal and the need for each player to put their self first. 'Which wolf wins, I guess it really depends… which one’s appetite’s the biggest?' matches with the fairytale aesthetic, especially with the many (were)wolves that can found within the tower – The Whinging Werewolf, the Moonhowler and one beneath Scarlet’s bed in The Wolf and The Nut. It also can be linked back to the competition of the show, as there is one way out and there can only be one winner. 'The devil sitting on my shoulder' sort of describes the Voice, as She offers malicious guidance, whispering right in your ear. The line that reminds me the most of Wiley Sneak is 'Turns out I’m living in a horror film, where I’m both the killer and the final girl' as Wiley is both a villain, the one who captures the Unfortunates, and a victim as an Unfortunate himself.

TRACK 4 – A Gorey Demise by Creature Feature

The Greatest Show Unearthed Cover Art

This is very aesthetically Trapped!. A group of gremlins and ghouls gather together to go through a list of alphabetical names and describe how they died, in a very gruesome nursery rhyme. Even though the Unfortunates are trapped, instead of killed, it’s tonally fitting

TRACK 5 – Vulture Culture by Fangclub

Vulture Culture Cover Art

The vulture imagery is mainly what earned this song its place on the playlist, although the pre-chorus line of 'Got a guilty conscience' does fit with the betrayal.

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